In our ongoing effort to bring you the voices of last year’s Open Education Awards for Excellence, we aimed in this episode to share the winners of the UNESCO OER implementation Award. This award was given to all 294 presenters at the OEGlobal 2021 conference — see the announcement and list of all awardees.
The challenge of doing a podcast for this award was finding a way to schedule 294 people to visit our podcast studio.

Rather than trying to schedule a meeting for this group, we instead asked each to share their reaction or description of their award winning effort in three minutes or less of audio. A call was put out via OEG Connect and we also notified the group by email, requesting contributing audio via FlipGrid or just sending us their own recordings.
While we did not hear from all 294 awardees, the responses from 34 of them make up for an hour of valuable listening in this episode. In each, we hear insight and passion about a wide range of open education efforts around the world. A few chose to combine their efforts as a group plus we have one response recorded in both Spanish and English. The best part is just hearing all of these different voices speak together.
You can now listen to voices 34 of UNESCO OER Implementation Award winners as a single podcast, including Alexander Mikroyannidis, Antonio Juan Delgado, Aras Bozkurt, Chrissi Nerantzi, Christian Stracke, Cristine Gusmão, Derek Moore, Ebba Ossiannilsso, Eseta Tualaulele, Gaby Lutgens, Gino Fransman, Helene Pulker, Imelda Parcasio, Jennifer Miller, Josie Milliken, Judith Fathallah, Judith Sebesta, Kelly Mckenna, Lais Souza, Laura Henderson, Mais Fatayer, Marie Beebe, Maryanne Karamagi, Maya Anderson-Gonzalez, Melissa Guadalupe Huertas, Naomi Wahls, Nichole Saad, Odysseas Frank, Paola Corti, Penny Bentley, Ramesh Sharma, Rovani Sigamoney, Thanassis Frank, and Verena Roberts.
See notes and reference links below, plus you also access each segment individually in a playlist. The audio submitted via FlipGrid are also available as a MixTape.
And for the 261 award winners we did not hear from, do not worry- we are opening the call again. Once we collect enough for another episode, it will be published here at OEG Voices.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Voices in this Episode
Thanks to all who responded to the call, listed below in order of appearance including the OE Global 2021 participation representing their achievement and other links or notes shared.
Laura Henderson
- OEGlobal 2021 Presentation: Open Pedagogy – Kids Review Scientists
Maya Anderson-Gonzalez
- OEGlobal 2021 Presentation: How to improve the formation and functioning of learning groups with open educational resources (OERs): focus on the DocToDoc system within the framework of the PhD & Career Development MOOC
Marie Beebe and Imelda Parcasio
- OEGlobal 2021 Presentation: OER Without Borders
- -Department of Education portal for the commons (OER). There is advocacy work to make the commons more open.
- Content for offline distribution is being offered using a new platform, e-lib box (more information)
- – Starbooks (Science and Technology Academic And Research-based Openly Operate KioskS) developed by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
- – Project website. Kaisipan is finalizing a mobile app for sharing OER online and offline
The Tagalog word “Bayanihan,” literally means “being a bayan /country” and it used to refer to a spirit of communal unity and cooperation– that is how we describe a cooperative undertaking.
Maria Beebe
Melissa Guadalupe Huertas and Nichole Saad
- OEGlobal 2021 Presentation: How we helped teachers use the largest OER in the world–Wikipedia
Eseta Tualaulele
Mais Fatayer
- OEGlobal 2021 Presentation: Building the OER capacity of university students through renewable assignments
- OER development model: tapping into renewable assignments (in H5P)
Derek Moore
- OEGlobal 2021 Presentation: The Open Umbrella
Ebba Ossiannilsso
- OEGlobal 2021 Presentation: co-presenter for Global Monitoring of the UNESCO OER Recommendation and Global study on Open Education and Open Science: Practices, use cases and potentials during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
- Chair: Webinar 11 and Webinar 13
It is so wonderful that OE Global dedicated the entire conference 2021 to the OER Recommendation.
Ebba Ossiannilsso
Rovani Sigamoney, Maryanne Karamagi, and Kelly McKenna
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: Empowering Girls to Pursue STEM in Africa: An Interdisciplinary OER Program, Co-Branded with UNESCO under a new Pilot Program, Is Inspiring Students, Engaging Teachers, and Garnering Significant Stakeholder Interest
Antonio Juan Delgado
(audio in English and Spanish, thanks y gracias)
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: Proyecto CREA. Ejemplo de adopción de la Recomendación de la UNESCO (REA) (CREA project. Example of adoption of UNESCO (OER) Recommendation)
Naomi Wahls
- OE Global 2021 Presentation Open Practice Discussion on Online Social Elements in Education – What Worked or Didn’t Work in the Past Year
- Blending Your Education: Lessons Learned During COVID
The GO-GN Open Picture Book Team
including Chrissi Nerantzi, Gino Fransman, Helene Pulker, Paola Corti, Odysseas Frank, Thanassis Frank, Bryan Mathers, Penny Bentley, and Verena Roberts
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: Together: The Values of Open Education. Collaborating Internationally and Creating an Openly Licensed Picture Book. Now what? #GOGN
- Doodlefan
- A collaboration like no other, reflections by the team as the GO-GN picture book project is coming to an end #gognpb
Ramesh Sharma
Aras Bozkurt
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: co-presenters for Global study on Open Education and Open Science: Practices, use cases and potentials during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
- Paper published
Judith Fathallah
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: New systems for Open Access books: an innovative platform
- COPIM (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs)
Lais Souza and Cristine Gusmão
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: Creating Open Educational Resources through Extension Actions in Higher Education
Judith Sebesta
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: co-presenter for Nurturing Sustainability Through Annual Surveys: Case Studies from CCCOER and DigiTex
Jennifer Miller
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: An Open Syllabus from OE4BW for Teaching the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
Alexander Mikroyannidis
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: Decentralising Open Education Using Blockchain Technology
- Course on OpenLearn
Gaby Lutgens
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: Towards more effective adoption of OER by integrating implementation of Open Science and Open Education
Josie Milliken
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: Mapping Desire Lines Into the OER Classroom
Christian Stracke
- OE Global 2021 Presentation: co-presenters for Global study on Open Education and Open Science: Practices, use cases and potentials during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
- Paper published
Listen to Individual Segments
Use the playlist below to hear a specific audio segment included in this episode.
Our openly licensed music for this episode is from the Free Music Archive, a song called The World Around You by Frau Holle licensed under a Creative Commons BY NC license.
The introduction created by the OEG Voices Mixer features the voices of Cynthia O, Alex E, Bonni S, Gino F, Rajiv J, Lori-Beth L, Shinta H, Jöran M-M, Clint L, Shannon S, Maren D (learn how to add your voice to the mix).
Start the discussion at OEG Connect